Ten Acts of Healthy Rebellion

I’m a fan of Rilke’s wise advice to “live in the questions.” But lately, ever since we launched our popular “101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy” app, I am getting one question that always leaves me flummoxed: Of all 101 Ways, what’s your favorite?… Read More »

Latham Thomas

If you haven’t yet heard about Latham Thomas, get ready. Dr. Oz describes her as a “fitness and nutrition powerhouse,” but that only begins to describe the scope of her efforts and accomplishments… Read More »

Matt Walker

Matt Walker has conquered mountains on every continent, earned a master’s degree in applied behavioral science, launched his own personal development company and written a book all before his 40th birthday… Read More »

Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle Bernstein has been hailed by The New York Times as her generation’s next spiritual guru… Read More »

Shaun T.

Shaun Thompson — better known as Shaun T. — is a staple on late-night television, spiking viewers’ heart rates long after bedtime with his infomercials for workout DVDs like Hip Hop Abs, Rockin’ Body, Insanity and Asylum… Read More »

Elena Brower

This former textile designer was playing hooky from her freelance design job when, on a whim, decided to check out a yoga class. Minutes after walking through the door, she knew she had found both a new home and her life’s work… Read More »

Sample Page

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! I’m a bike messenger… Read More »


A nonprofit with a mission to revolutionize the way we think about food… Read More »

Mark Verstegen

Fitness and nutrition tips from Athletes’ Performance, one of the premier sports training organizations. www.coreperformance.com Twitter: @CorePerformance… Read More »

Vanishing of the Bees

This remarkable documentary examines the mysterious disappearance of honeybees over the past several years. This crisis affects everyone, because commercial honeybee operations pollinate crops that make up one out of every three bites of the food we eat. More About the Film… Read More »

Revolutionary Act No. 5: Question Authority

When it comes to health and fitness information, authoritative organizations may not be your best source of advice… Read More »

Revolutionary Act 4: Consume Media Wisely

On a recent Sunday night, as I was wrapping up the next day’s work preparations and shutting down my electronics for the evening, I noticed a new email in my inbox… Read More »

Revolutionary Act 3: Reclaim Your Mornings

Start the day on your own terms, and change your life for the better… Read More »

Revolutionary Act No. 2: Want to Reduce Stress? Eliminate Annoyances

This January, in honor of my 44th birthday, I resolved to fix, change, organize, replace or otherwise deal with anything that had been driving me bonkers… Read More »

One Decade Down, One Revolution Ahead

Ten years ago, I had this crazy idea: I wanted to create a healthy-living magazine with substance – one that would help change people’s lives and maybe even help change the world… Read More »