72. Respect Your Environment

Keep in mind that human health depends upon the health of a lot of interconnected ecosystems and the planet as a whole. Make choices that respect that reality.

Dirt! The Movie

Fascinating insights on how soil profoundly impacts human health, food quality, the environment, our economy and more — and why our current soil-management strategies must change… Read More »

No Impact Man

A book and documentary chronicling the Beavan’s family attempt to minimize their environmental impact… Read More »

Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge

A thorough introduction to the WTO’s agricultural and globalization policies… Read More »

Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

by Eric Schlosser Hundreds of millions of people buy fast food every day without giving it much thought, unaware of the subtle and not-so-subtle ramifications of their purchases. More About the Film Review at Amazon.com… Read More »

Josh Dorfman

Insights on making greener choices from “The Lazy Environmentalist.”… Read More »