Finding the Turnarounds

Yesterday I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my most dearly admired spiritual teachers, Byron Katie. She’s the founder of a four-question method for alleviating suffering called “The Work,” which she teaches around the world to anyone who’s interested — from prisoners on death row to corporate heads to people on both sides of… Read More »

The Case of the Lost Laptop

Every once in a while, I screw up in a way that turns out to be a blessing in disguise… Read More »

Making A Game of It

Living a happy, healthy life isn’t about perfection, it’s about what you do 85% of the time… Read More »

Revolutionary Act No. 2: Want to Reduce Stress? Eliminate Annoyances

This January, in honor of my 44th birthday, I resolved to fix, change, organize, replace or otherwise deal with anything that had been driving me bonkers… Read More »